SHARING SESSION MARY DHANG #8: The Last Sharing One and Evaluation

 Hello peeps!

We arrived in April, where the last mentoring session with Ms. Dhang implemented. Based on the results of discussions in the previous month regarding the podcast project, for one reason or another, I can't continue it in the next few months and Ms Dhang agreed. So that this month, only sharing sessions were held related to the certain topics. This month, a meeting was held on Sunday, 4 April 2021 to discuss IKIGAI and there will be a final meeting today (30 April 2021) to discuss Ms Dhang's career journey and project evaluation.

IKIGAI (Me and My Identity)

The presentation of lesson about identity begins with the analogy of "identity iceberg". Someone's identity is analogous to an iceberg that is only visible from the outside, even though this iceberg has a part below the surface of the water even bigger than it looks. That's identity. Identity is divided into visible and invisible.

People around us such as friends, acquaintances, relatives and strangers can only see "who we are" only from the outside, such as language, manners, institutions, arts, religion, dress, food, tradition and race. Most of these aspects are quite easy to show to other people or other people can find out from just getting acquainted or seeing on social media.

Under the surface or invisible identity is mostly known by friends, close friends, life partners, family with close relations or confidants. In my opinion, not just anyone can find out who I really am. Not necessarily everyone knows my life norms, beliefs, roles, values, attitudes and desires. People who know this are close and trusted people or people we tell about.

There are many discussions regarding the concept of ikigai, and this is a good life concept in my opinion. Ikigai is a concept from Japan which means "purpose in life". More or less, someone who owns or holds an ikigai will have a valuable, nutritious and balanced life. In my opinion, this concept can not practically be found by everyone quickly but through a long process that there is no rule to have at what age. There are 4 main slices in an ikigai namely:
  1. What you love
  2. What you are good at
  3. What you can be paid for
  4. What the world needs
Why do I say this is hard to find? Because we have to unite or synergize these four points. If one of them has not been able to do so, then the life goal referred to in Ikigai has not been achieved. In my opinion, this concept is not only selfish, but also for others as mentioned in point 4. Life is not always about money and personal satisfaction but also about caring for others so that the world that everyone expects is achieved. Conversely, in living life, you need material, namely money. So, being realistic is also a must.

The important points in Ikigai that we must have are passion, mission, vocation and profession. I feel like I don't fully have all four of them. I am now studying to become an aquaculturist and hopefully work according to my studies. But is that my passion? Can I solve fishing problems with my skills? Therefore I expressed doubt because I have not found my own recognition.

finding a purpose in life is easy and difficult at the same time. Sometimes finding just one point is very difficult especially combining the four. Then there are 10 rules or tips that can be done while searching. These tips can also serve as a reminder when the brain is overwhelmed and the heart is not feeling well. I think these tips are classic but often forgetful because we are too focused and overthinking about tomorrow's life. The closing statement from Ms Dhang:

"Understanding our identity and culture is the key to opening minds to new learning and perspectives, changing attitudes, encouraging empathy and interest in peaceful coexistence and creating a stronger sense of social responsibility"
